Monday, July 7, 2008

of parting and reunion

since the music box inside
needs two hands to get wound up
it can never sound complete
skipping notes, deforming timbers
urging fingers ever missed

since the hands that fuel the tune
are apart by ocean's blue
back and forth, the box plays life
always halved, unsettled, fooled
by miles that won't take far

now it's time to (one more time)
rise and fly and meet the missed
soon the other half will try
new ways to please and amuse
through the music still diffuse

carrying on
i'm split in half

for two homes share my bed

dear friends and visitors: i will not be able to update the blog for the following 2 months, due to my annual, much treasured trip to the homeland. i am afraid reliable internet access might not be an option.

i will come back, though. i always do. till then! :)


Anonymous said...

enjoy and recharge I will miss you let me know when your back..:)

Anonymous said...

Be safe

Juan Trasmonte said...

You dipping my soul in chocolate rsss Sem tempo para postar? Sem visita das musas?

Anonymous said...

Well good luck with your trip. Be sure to write tons of posts and poems so when you get back we have something to read!

Juan Trasmonte said...

Eu aqui de novo! Ganhei uns selos e estou te colocando na minha lista de recomendados. Ou seja que vc agora os ganhou também. Veja lá no meu blog.

Cool Papa said...

damn, I just found this blog. The poetry is superb, see ya when you get back.

Ellumbra said...

I enjoyed this piece - thank you.
God speed, bon voyage - and a safe return.

Anonymous said...

see U when U get back. Be safe and enjoy your trip!

Carolina Z said...

Thank you, guys... feels good to be back! :)

Anonymous said...

intriguing images